An Application similar to NOTEPAD++ on Mac

It means that, as a user, you can no longer access the file from your computer. However, if you can use the data recovery software on time, there is a chance to rescue notepad files that still need to be overwritten. Tenorshare 4DDiG Data Recovery is the premier data recovery program available, and it effectively…

Compare 2 Files Line by Line in Power Query

Once the installation is completed, you can launch the application from the Ubuntu Dash menu. Once the installation of “Wine” is done, time to download and install Notepad++. Notepad++ is a Windows exclusive application and not available for Linux. But there is an approach that helps in getting it installed on Linux devices. Currently, Notepad++…

How to Format Indent XML Files in Notepad++

If you’re a beginner who needs a text editor, Notepad++ is far easier to understand than some of the other options on this list. Not only that, but you’ll enjoy the ability to locate words and replace them all, while also revealing certain bits of code with highlighting. As for advanced users, Notepad++ also does…